

Sis years and many changes. Thank you JESUS!!!

Mark Byrd's Blog

A christmas tree.

    I was reading in 2 Chronicles 7  11- 22 where Solomon was visited by GOD and came into covenant with HIM  , conditionally. Verse 14 states ” If MY people ,who are called by MY name , will humble themselves and pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways , then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and I will heal their land”!!! Glory to GOD!!!

   I was in Moriah yesterday looking for a Christmas tree in which to cut down for a financially challenged family. As I walked past so many evergreens I finally spotted the one which I wanted. It was large enough that I could just “top off ” the upper eight feet and not kill the tree . It would be grown back by next year !!! Praise GOD!!!

    I can not seem to remember the last time I…

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04261600      I was reading in the book of Acts, Chapter 3 where Peter had , in The Name of JESUS , healed a lame man who lay asking for alms at the temple. In doing so Peter had been a witness for CHRIST JESUS for all of those gathered at the temple at the time for prayer. They were able to see the Power of the Holy Spirit at work through Peter , a man who had denied JESUS while HE walked on earth. Those who witnessed had undoubtedly witnessed the trial  and death of CHRIST JESUS in the recent past. GLORY!!!

GOD has gifted all of us with Spiritual gifts that can be manifested in the Natural , all of us who truly believe. It is our duty and calling to use these gifts in a manner in which allows those around us to see the mighty power of a Living GOD!!! We are a special breed of people who have been called , in our individual lifetimes , to witness for CHRIST JESUS !!! We should do so.

As we draw closer to GOD HIS Love for us is unmistakable .  As it is written; no weapon formed against us shall prosper. With that knowledge we are able to move freely in this world without any interference from unclean Spirits or those individuals who call upon them for their support. We , like Peter , can grow in our Faith and move through this world with an understanding that we have Power ,HOLY SPIRIT Power!!!

I am headed to the Well!!! I Love you!!! May GOD Bless!!! Mark







Mark Byrd's Blog

  I was reading in Revelation 21 1-7 where GOD is speaking about an everlasting in-gathering of HIS people. HE wants to dwell with them forever in Eternity Future. GOD is good!!!

    It was GOD’S plan all along to live forever with those who believed in HIM. To dwell forever with those who Hoped as HE Hoped ,and , Loved as HE Loved. When all is said and done HE will be with us in the New Jerusalem and we shall be with HIM!!! Glory to GOD!!!

      There is a Blessed Assurance knowing the promise of GOD to bring us out of bondage and into freedom. Out of this world and into the next.  Verse 4 states  ” HE will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain. For the old order of things have passed away .” Thank…

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Mark Byrd's Blog

             I was reading in Revelation 20 where all of the Dead and all of the Living will come before GOD in judgment . Some of us will spend Eternity with HIM in Heaven while some of us will spend an Eternity in Hell , separated from HIS Grace. I know without a doubt that my Eternity is with GOD!!! Thank you JESUS!!!

      The Feast of Atonement is the Holiest day of the Jewish year. It is a time for complete fasting and a time in which mankind can draw closer to GOD. In Jewish terms the  Day of Atonement  is called  YOM  KIPPUR . Kippur means Kafar and derives from the word Kofer which means to be “ransomed” or” redeemed”. Thank GOD for JESUS !!! We have been redeemed !!! We no longer need a goat in our place ,we have the Lamb!!! GOD is Good!!!

   After Trumpets we need…

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Mark Byrd's Blog

   I was reading in 1 Corinthians15  51-53 where the church will be Raptured to be with GOD . The field workers  will enter HIS Temple. GOD is indeed Good!!!

     Seems as though everybody knows when the Rapture will take place but me. I cannot go on-line without being inundated with false predictions from all around the globe.  In the book of Matthew 24 36-41  JESUS states that no man knows the hour HE will return . Verse 42 states ” Watch  therefore: for you  know not what hour your Lord doth come. ” Thank you JESUS!!!

      I know in my heart that it really is irrelevant when the “end” will be. I humbly believe that our “end” is near the moment we are born. I myself can’t wait to transition to my next life  , however , I will wait untill that time without much ado about nothing!!! Amen!!!

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Your God Is Here

Your God Is Here (Photo credit: sutton_steven)

    I was reading in JOB 23: 10 where even though we may take a wrong step now and then as long as we stay upon the Right path HE will perfect us. The verse states ,”HE knows the way that I take; when HE has tested me I shall come forth as Gold.” GOD is Good!!!

    As I move forth in this world doing my best from day to day to be more like HIM I am constantly reminded of just how flawed a human being I really am.  Oftentimes I consider myself to be among the worst to have walked this planet. My thoughts and actions just do not always seem to line-up with the Word of GOD. I need help. Thank GOD for JESUS!!!

     I take comfort in the knowledge that JOB was eventually redeemed by an All-Forgiving GOD. Even though he had doubts in his life he knew that he was on the right path and would ,sooner or later , be a better man for his trials. He knew that the testing would separate the impurities in his life ,much like heat separates the impurities from Gold ,and ,he accepted his path as the one in which GOD had chosen for him. He had a comfort in his soul. Glory!!!

     Headed to the Well!!! I Love you!!!!!!! Mark



Heaven (Photo credit: irunandshoot)

   I was reading in James 4:7-8 where we are to live our lives with the desire to come closer to GOD. We are to submit to GOD ,resist the devil ,and , draw close to GOD so that HE may draw close to us. Submit,resist ,come near!!! Three simple steps in order to obtain Spiritual Victory. Glory to GOD!!!

   The world certainly knows how to bring forth many deterrents to this simple direction. Every which way that we turn , from the time we gain insight into life itself  through untill we transition into our next life ,we are constantly bombarded by the Enemy. Salvation is more than just Spiritual Life insurance. It is the beginning of a relationship with an all powerful,all Loving GOD!!! A GOD who will help us overcome this world by empowering us with HIS Power!!! Thank you JESUS!!!

     It is a comfort to know that as we draw nearer to GOD that HE will draw nearer to us. I could not even imagine a Life here in this existence without the Love and Power  of GOD helping me through. As I have drawn closer to GOD over the years I can see this and many other scriptures being proven True!!! Sure,as our relationship with GOD matures the Enemy steps up the attacks ,however ,with the Holy Spirit in us the demons flee, the unclean spirits die ,and the Enemy is left without a hope other than to leave and wait for a more opportune time as he did in the wilderness with JESUS!!!  Thank You JESUS

   As I move around the greater Kissimmee area I run across so many vacationers so excited about a chance to see our local attractions. They are filled with  Hope that this trip  will fulfill a lifetime dream for them and their families. I long for a day in which many of us who have been “called out” will be able to turn the priorities in another person’s Life toward JESUS in such a manner that anywhere we go on the face of this wretched planet  we see men and their families yearning for a chance ,not to see a mouse or a whale or a wizard, but spending every moment of every day yearning for a relationship with CHRIST JESUS!!!Amen!!!

   Headed to the Well!!! I Love you!!!!!!! Mark


English: Green fields and blue skies. Fields n...

Image via Wikipedia

        I was reading in Numbers 12 1- 8 where Moses was at odds with Miriam and Aaron about his marriage to an Ethiopian woman. They were concerned that prophecy could be at a lull due to his action. GOD called them out and explained that this was certainly not the case at all. Verse  6 states ” And HE said , now hear My words. If there be a Prophet among you  , I the Lord will make Myself known unto him in a vision , and will speak unto him in a dream. ”   GOD is Good!!!

     Brethren , regardless of how you may feel about the Church , the whole Body of CHRIST , or those in authority within , GOD is still speaking today through men and women who have a heart for HIS Word,  [ read the Book of Joel ] . In my humble opinion HIS Holy Spirit has been poured out upon many in this Day and Age ,and ,  HIS Gift of Prophecy lives inside many who choose to believe. Now is a time to listen!!! Thank You JESUS!!!

    As promised , and GOD is a promise keeper , there are many false Prophets sounding their own trumpets for a much lesser power than our GOD today. We recognize the True Prophets  by , not only the words which they speak , but their actions as well. GOD has given us a unique ability to discern what is of HIM and what is not!!! Glory be to an Almighty GOD!!!

   Time to leave Moab my friends and enter into our promises. In order to know our way we need to listen to those who have been given directions from GOD and heed those directions. First we need to listen . This is our year!!!

   Headed to the well!!! I Love you!!!!!!! Mark