
Posts Tagged ‘Plagues of Egypt’

Angel of the Death

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             I was reading in Exodus 12 where GOD gave instructions to Moses on how to avoid the plague of the firstborn in Egypt. HIS people were to sacrifice an unblemished lamb and place some of  it’s Blood on the sides and top of their doorpost. The Angle of Death  would pass over every house which was covered by the Blood , and thus save the firstborn from Death.  Moses and the Israelites did as they were instructed and thus earned their freedom from Egypt ,from sin. Thank you JESUS!!!

       We are born into sin , born into the “old sin nature “. We are all slaves to our nature up untill that  moment in our lives where in which we decide to be covered by the Blood of the Lamb ,JESUS!!! GOD is Good!!!

     I can not imagine how the people of Egypt felt losing their firstborn in the night. Scripture records that there was a great wailing of pain and remorse for those lost. I myself ,after the previous six plagues , would have been imitating the Israelites!!!  A lost world is just that ; a lost world. Amen!!!

      JESUS is our passover Lamb!!!  The prophet Jeremiah spoke of the New Covenant 600 years before the cross [ Jer. 31:31 ]. This knowledge leads us to believe that our salvation comes by Grace through Faith in the shed Blood of Israel’s Sacrifice Lamb!!!  HIS Blood is the one and only Atonement which is acceptable for our sins!!! We owe JESUS our lives!!!Thank you Lord!!!

       Headed for a walk in the Light!!!

     I Love you!!!!!!! Mark

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