
Posts Tagged ‘United States’

Old Glory, Patriotic Rustic Peeling American F...

Image by Beverly & Pack via Flickr

          I was reading in Genesis 1 28-30 where GOD Blessed mankind out of HIS Love for them. In HIS Creation  GOD wanted man to rule over all of the Earth , not Satan, and , in  not paying attention to every Word from the voice of GOD Adam condemned all of mankind until the Day of Great White Throne Judgment.   Ever since Adam , GOD has bent over backwards to reconcile mankind unto HIMSELF. Thank GOD!!!

    When the U.S.A. was being established GOD was a vital  part of every decision which our forefathers made. The role and influence of GOD in our country was great even though the founders wrote within our constitution a separation of Church and State . I humbly believe that there is no need for government to establish religions , however , I know that people within a government and those of which they govern need GOD in each and every aspect of life!!! One needs to look no further than the apparent collapse of moral standards throughout our society to understand that this is a result of our taking prayer out of our schools , from removing The Ten Commandments from our public sphere ; from basically taking GOD out of our daily lives!!! Throughout the history of mankind when a nation has turned from GOD , GOD has  turned from that nation and relies upon ,and calls out , a remnant of HIS people to awake and arise to glorify HIM through HIS Blessings so that all will know the One True GOD. Glory!!!

   May GOD Bless America again!!!  I Love my country ,and ,  in order for our descendants to know the greatness in  which we are Blessed we , as a nation , should start walking in our Blessings again , and , bring GOD back into our daily conversations!!! We should never be ashamed of GOD . HE is the Author and Creator , the Beginning and the End. HE is our Independence!!! Thank you JESUS!!!

       Last winter here in Kissimmee I felt a shift in the winds of change, a shift for the better. We are winning this spiritual battle known as the Angelic Conflict.  All Glory goes to GOD!!!

 I Love you!!!!!!! Mark

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Miracle of Love

   I was reading in Acts 2 16 -21 where GOD will allow us to see an outpouring of Miracles in the ” last days'” to assure mankind of HIS fulfillment of plans!!! Wonders in the Heavens ,  and , signs on the Earth below . GOD is so Good!!!

  Now GOD can perform a Miracle at HIS whim ,or , as a result of anyone’s prayer , however , many of us are given a special anointing so we can carry out our Calling and witness for HIM. It is always GOD working through us , not us , in which the Miracles are performed. All of the Glory belongs to GOD!!! As we minister to others extraordinary “things” occur which simply can not be explained in any “natural” manner. Thank you JESUS!!!

   Miracles are used to point out GOD’S purpose .

Elijah brought down fire , however , it was not to prove that GOD could bring down fire , rather to show Israel the one True GOD. When JESUS healed a man who was born blind it illustrated GOD’S healing Power yet showed how we are to open our spiritual eyes. The raising of Lazarus from the dead showed that Jesus is the Lord of both Life and Death ,and ; the resurrection of JESUS  lets us know that Satan’s power is broken forever!!! AMEN!!!

    My favorite type of Miracle is the Miracle of Multiplication. Just knowing that what I can see for me is not all that there is for me gives me goosebumps. A vision always produces provision and I have lots of visions!!! Glory!!!

   Headed out to pick some plums from my tree. Wait a minute ; I have no plum tree. Time for GOD to show up!!!

 I Love you!!!!!!! Mark

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Falling Water Creek in early spring

Image by photogg19 via Flickr

                I was reading in 1 Chronicles 11 15-19 where David , King of Israel , and his country were at war with the Philistines who were encamped at Bethlehem.  Verse 17 states ” David longed for Water and said ;” Oh that someone would get me Water from the Well near the gate of Bethlehem.” Three of his mighty warriors broke through enemy lines and drew Water from the Well and carried it back to David. Now the King refused to drink it due to the risk involved to obtain the Water, however , David did pour it out as a libation unto GOD. Glory to GOD!!!

      Now David had Water , yet , he also had an emotional need which could only be met with the Water from the Well at Bethlehem. It was the water from his childhood [1 Samuel 16:1] and his soul needed a familiar Spirit!!! Thank you JESUS!!!

       Oftentimes Life has us all caught up in the present without much time to look past our wants to a point where in which we can see our needs. We live in a busy society , however , like David , every now and then events in Life will bring us to a desire from our past  which will render us dependent upon our ability to see our most important need. HIS Living Water , HIS Holy Spirit!!! We just need to surround ourselves with like-minded warriors!!! Amen!!!

    Getting thirsty!!!

  I love you!!!!!!! Mark

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